We hope you will become part of the Foundation. Our family of dedicated, generous and forward thinking donors is making a difference in our community every day. When and how you give is up to you. You can make a gift today by including the Foundation in your estate planning or by making a cash donation or both. You can establish a fund with the Foundation in about an hour. You are also welcome to contribute to an existing fund.
1. Know our donors – their interests, passions & goals.
2. Know our community – its needs, assets & opportunities.
3. Match donor interests & community needs.
4. Support & encourage giving (philanthropy) in our community.
5. Offer Donors tax advantaged giving options.
6. Offer special attention to unmet needs in the community.
In 2011 the Rotary Club of Ellensburg Foundation took possession of the financial assets of an estate intended to provide the seed funds for the Community Foundation of Kittitas County. Over the next two years a group of community leaders formed the foundation and the funds were transferred and now are managed and controlled by the foundation.
The donor spent her life saving and investing in order to accumulate funding sufficient to ensure that her developmentally disabled son would receive appropriate care in the event that she passed on before he did. As he passed before she did, she wanted the remainder of her estate to go to causes about which she was passionate.
The fund that was established in her name is now managed by the Community Foundation of Kittitas County as a Donor Designated Fund with multiple entities receiving a portion of the fund’s earnings on an annual basis. The fund is managed to preserve the principal and distribute funds to those entities in perpetuity or until the cause or entity no longer exists. To date, over $160,000 has been directed to the causes she selected before her death.
Talk with your trusted financial advisors about the best way to give through the Community Foundation of Kittitas County.
Gifts (donations) may be made to the foundation in several ways:
1. Cash
2. Planned giving (wills)
3. Various forms of trusts
4. Real property
5. Securities, Life Insurance
6. Retirement accounts
7. Tangible personal property